De XYLOS – Referentiecollectie
XYLOS is een samenwerkingsverband BINNEN de IWCS dat tot doel heeft het beschikbaar maken van houtmonsters voor andere IWCS leden en opgericht door:
Willem Hurkmans, Nelis Mourik en Henk Bakker
XYLOS-houtmonsters zijn meestal IWCS-formaat: 6″ x 3″ x ½” of ongeveer 15,24 cm x 7,62 cm x 1,27 cm, maar dit is niet altijd haalbaar. Als een andere maat wordt gevoerd wordt u hierover ingelicht.
Daarnaast leveren we houtmonsters aan HVC-LIGNUM leden en volgers die daar belangstelling voor hebben.
XYLOS beschikt over veel botanische kennis en kennis van houtanatomie en een groot aantal contacten in binnen- en buitenland, waardoor een voortdurende aanvoer van nieuwe soorten verzekerd is.
De referentiecollectie bevat alle monsters die onder de naam XYLOS zijn verzameld.
Van iedere door XYLOS uitgegeven soort wordt een monster in een door Willem en Henk te onderhouden moeder- en dochtercollectie geplaatst.
Omdat veel van de monsters als exclusief betiteld mogen worden, zult u begrijpen dat sommige monsters alleen in de referentiecollectie als “monster van formaat” aanwezig zijn. Soms is het bijeenbrengen van materiaal voor één enkel monster al een hele opgave.
Wanneer mogelijk zullen wij soorten waarvan geen monsters meer beschikbaar zijn, opnieuw uitgeven
Over beschikbaarheid en kosten hiervan kunnen de leden en volgers van HVC-LIGNUM contact opnemen met Henk Bakker:
Nr. Scientific name Common name Family Native / Origin
XYLOS - 001 Abies kawakamii Taiwan Fir / Bai-songbai Pinaceae Taiwan north + central / Netherlands
XYLOS - 002 Antiaris toxicaria Bonkonko / Upas / Ancar / Tatai Moraceae Trop. Africa west <=> Fiji; + / Netherlands
XYLOS - 003 Arbutus canariensis Madroño Canario Ericaceae Canary Islands / France south
XYLOS - 003 N Arbutus canariensis Madroño Canario Ericaceae Canary Islands / France south
XYLOS - 004 Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Ericaceae Europe south + west / Netherlands
XYLOS - 005 Callitris preissii Rottnest Island Pine Cupressaceae Western Australia / France south
XYLOS - 006 Chamaecyparis pisifera Sawara / Japanese Cypress Cupressaceae Japan central + south / Netherlands
XYLOS - 007 Cinnamomum burmanni Cassia Padang / Korintje Lauraceae Asia south-east / Netherlands (greenhouse)
XYLOS - 008 Cornus controversa Giant Dogwood / Deng-tai-shu Cornaceae China; Korea; Japan; + / Netherlands
XYLOS - 009 Davidia involucrata v. vilmoriniana Handkerchief Tree / Gong-tong Cornaceae China central + south-west / Netherlands
XYLOS - 010 Elaeagnus x submacrophylla Silver-berry / Oleaster Elaeagnaceae - / Netherlands
XYLOS - 011 Eucalyptus viminalis Manna Gum / Ribbon Gum Myrtaceae Australia south-east / France south
XYLOS - 011 A Eucalyptus viminalis Manna Gum Myrtaceae Australia east + south-east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 012 Eucommia ulmoides Chinese Rubbertree / Du-Zhong Eucommiaceae China central + west / Netherlands
XYLOS - 013 Fagus orientalis Oriental Beech / Buk Vostóchnyy Fagaceae Europe south-east; Turkey / Belgium
XYLOS - 014 Hakea dactyloides Finger Hakea Proteaceae New South Wales; + / France
XYLOS - 014 N Hakea dactyloides Finger Hakea Proteaceae New South Wales; + / France south
XYLOS - 015 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum / Alligatorwood Altingiaceae USA south-east <=> Central America
XYLOS - 016 Magnolia champaca Champaca / Cempaca Kuning Magnoliaceae Asia south-east / Bali
XYLOS - 017 Malus hupehensis Hupei Crab Apple Rosaceae India north; China; Japan / Belgium
XYLOS - 018 Micropholis gardneriana Grumixava / Curupixa Sapotaceae Tropical South America
XYLOS - 019 Nyssa sylvatica Tupelo / Black Gum Cornaceae USA east / Belgium
XYLOS - 020 Paulownia tomentosa Royal Paulownia Paulowniaceae China central + west / Netherlands
XYLOS - 021 Pinus densiflora Japanese Red Pine / Ake-matsu Pinaceae Japan; Korea; Asia east / Belgium
XYLOS - 022 Prosopis chilensis Chilean Mesquite Fabaceae (M) Chili; Argentina; Peru; + / France south
XYLOS - 023 Quercus x warburgii Cambridge Oak Fagaceae United Kingdom / Netherlands
XYLOS - 024 Santalum ellipticum Iliahi-alo'e / Coastal Sandalwood Santalaceae Hawaii
XYLOS - 024 N Santalum ellipticum Iliahi-alo'e / Coastal Sandalwood Santalaceae Hawaii
XYLOS - 25 Scaphium macropodum Kembang Semangkok Malvaceae Asia south-east
XYLOS - 026 Sterculia oblonga Eyong / Yellow Sterculia Malvaceae Tropical Africa west
XYLOS - 027 Toxicodendron vernicifluum Chinese Varnish Tree Anacardiaceae China; Japan; Asia east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 028 Triplochiton scleroxylon Abachi / Obeche / Ayous Malvaceae Tropical Africa west
XYLOS - 029 Uncaria tomentosa Uña de Gato / Cat's Claw Rubiaceae Peru
XYLOS - 030 Senegalia burkei Black Monkey-thorn Fabaceae (M) Africa south
XYLOS - 031 Campsis grandiflora Chinese Trumpet Vine Bignoniaceae China; India; Japan; + / Netherlands
XYLOS - 032 Choisya ternata Mexican Orange Rutaceae Mexico; USA south / Netherlands
XYLOS - 032 N Choisya ternata Mexican Orange Rutaceae Mexico; USA south / Netherlands
XYLOS - 033 Cordia glabrata Petereby Moroti / Louro Preto Boraginaceae Bolivia, Brasil, Paraguay, Argentina
XYLOS - 034 Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus de San Pedro Cactaceae South America Andes Mts. / Crete
XYLOS - 034 P Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus de San Pedro - two sides wide pith Cactaceae South America Andes Mts. / Crete
XYLOS - 035 Fitzroya cupressoides Alerce Cupressaceae Chili Patagonia; +
XYLOS - 036 Helicostylis tomentosa Bovo Paya Moraceae Tropical South America
XYLOS - 037 Morus mesozygia Difou / African Mulberry Moraceae Tropical Africa
XYLOS - 037 N Morus mesozygia Difou / African Mulberry Moraceae Tropical Africa
XYLOS - 038 Ochna arborea Cape Plane / Kaapse Rooihout Ochnaceae Africa south
XYLOS - 039 Panopsis sessilifolia Louro Fayo / Mahoballi / Faiera Proteaceae Tropical South America
XYLOS - 040 Phoenix canariensis Pineapple Palm Arecaceae Canary Islands / Crete
XYLOS - 041 Podocarpus nivalis Snow Totara / Mountain Totara Podocarpaceae New Zealand / Netherlands
XYLOS - 042 Swartzia panacoco Panacoco / Coraçao do Negro Fabaceae (C) South America north; Brasil
XYLOS - 043 Terminalia tomentosa East Indian Laurel Combretaceae Asia south-east
XYLOS - 044 Callistemon citrinus Crimson Bottlebrush Myrtaceae Australia east / Crete
XYLOS - 045 Cedrus deodara Himalayan Ceder / Xue-song Pinaceae Himalaya / Germany
XYLOS - 045 A Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar / Xue-song / Himalayan Ceder Pinaceae Himalayan Mountains / Germany Krefeld Botanical Garden
XYLOS - 046 Ceratonia siliqua Carob / St. John's Bread Fabaceae (C) Mediterranea; Asia south-west / Crete
XYLOS - 047 Chamaecyparis obtusa Hinoki / Hinoki Cypress Cupressaceae Japan; Taiwan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 048 Citrus bergamia Bergamot Orange / Bergamotte Rutaceae Mediterranea east; Arabia / Crete
XYLOS - 049 Crataegus monogyna var. lasiocarpa Native Hawthorn Rosaceae Europe south; + / Crete
XYLOS - 050 Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana' Dwarf-globe Japanese Cedar Cupressaceae Japan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 051 Cupressus sempervirens Mediterranian Cypress Cupressaceae Europe south; Africa north; Iran / Crete
XYLOS - 051 A Cupressus sempervirens Mediterranian Cypress - knotty Cupressaceae Europe south; Africa north; Iran / Crete
XYLOS - 052 Magnolia kobus Japanese Magnolia / Kobushi Magnoliaceae Japan north; Korea / Netherlands
XYLOS - 053 Morus nigra Black Mulberry / Moerbei Moraceae Asia south-west / Netherlands
XYLOS - 053 A Morus nigra Mávri Mouriá / Black Mulberry Moraceae Asia south-west / Crete
XYLOS - 054 Pochota fendleri Pochote / Saqui-saqui Malvaceae Venezuela; Colombia; Central America east
XYLOS - 055 Qualea albiflora Mandioqueira / Grignon Fou Vochysiaceae Suriname; Guyana's; Brasil
XYLOS - 056 Quercus x rosacea European native-hybrid Oak Fagaceae Europe / Netherlands
XYLOS - 057 Rhus glabra Scarlet Sumac / Smooth Sumac Anacardiaceae USA; Canada south; + / Netherlands
XYLOS - 058 Sciadopitys verticillata Japanese Umbrella Pine Sciadopityaceae Japan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 059 Stachyurus chinensis Chinese Stachyurus / Zhong-guo-jing-jie-hua Stachyuraceae China south + east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 060 Syringa vulgaris XYLOS Nr. toegekend maar nog niet als monster uitgegeven
XYLOS - 061 Taxus wallichiana Himalaya Yew Taxaceae Himalaya Mts. <=> Vietnam / Netherlands
XYLOS - 062 Tecoma capensis Cape Honeysuckle Bignoniaceae South Africa; Mozambique south; + / Crete
XYLOS - 063 Thuja standishii Japanese Arborvitae / Kurobe Cupressaceae Japan south / Netherlands
XYLOS - 64 Umbellularia californica XYLOS Nr. toegekend maar nog niet als monster uitgegeven
XYLOS - 065 Diospyros discolor Kamagong / Mabolo Ebenaceae Philippines
XYLOS - 066 Abies pinsapo Spanish Fir / Pinsapo Pinaceae Spain south; Morocco north / Netherlands
XYLOS - 067 Pouteria pierrei Aniégré Sapotaceae Tropical Africa west
XYLOS - 068 Baphia nitida Camwood / Mkuruti Fabaceae (P) Tropical Africa west
XYLOS - 069 Betula ermanii Japanese Yellow Birch Betulaceae Asia north-east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 070 Carissa spinarum Conkerberry Apocynaceae Australia; Asia south; Tropical Africa
XYLOS - 071 Caryocar glabrum Piquia-rana Caryocaraceae Tropical South America
XYLOS - 072 Cedrus atlantica Atlas Cedar Pinaceae Algeria; Morocco / Netherlands
XYLOS - 072 A Cedrus atlantica Atlas Cedar / Arz 'Atlas Pinaceae Morocco north <=> Algeria north / Neth.
XYLOS - 073 Didelotia sp. Gombé Fabaceae (C) Tropical Africa west
XYLOS - 074 Distemonanthus benthamianus Movingui / Nigerian Satinwood Fabaceae (C) Tropical Africa west
XYLOS - 075 Erica arborea Tree Heather Ericaceae Mediterranea; Rwenzori Mts; + / Crete
XYLOS - 075 A Erica arborea Tree Heather burl / Briar burl Ericaceae Mediterranea; Rwenzori Mts; + / Crete
XYLOS - 076 Juglans regia Ancient Native Walnut Juglandaceae Caucasus; + / Netherlands
XYLOS - 077 Juniperus bermudiana Bermuda Cedar Cupressaceae Bermuda Islands / Hawaii
XYLOS - 078 Juniperus deltoides Eastern Prickly Juniper Cupressaceae Mediterranea; Black Sea; + / Greece north
XYLOS - 079 Kalopanax septemlobus Haragiri / Sen Araliaceae Japan; China; Korea; Russia south-east
XYLOS - 080 Manilkara zapota Zapote / Chico Zapote / Chicle Sapotaceae Tropical America
XYLOS - 081 Rhus sandwicensis Neneleau Anacardiaceae Hawaii
XYLOS - 082 Syringa villosa Late Lilac / Hong-ding-xiang Oleaceae China north; Korea; + / Netherlands
XYLOS - 083 Telopea truncata Tasmanian Waratah Proteaceae Tasmania
XYLOS - 083 N Telopea truncata Tasmanian Waratah Proteaceae Tasmania
XYLOS - 084 Terminalia ivorensis Framiré / Ivory Coast Almond Combretaceae Tropical Africa west
XYLOS - 085 Albizia odoratissima Bhilwara / Kali Siris / Black Siris Fabaceae (M) Asia south-east
XYLOS - 086 Vataireopsis speciosa Faveira Amargosa Fabaceae (P) Brasil; South America north
XYLOS - 087 Vochysia maxima Quaruba Fissurada / Kwarie Vochysiaceae Brasil; South America north
XYLOS - 088 Araucaria nemorosa Boise Araucaria Araucariaceae New Caledonia / Netherlands
XYLOS - 089 Aspidosperma macrocarpon Pumaquiro / Aracanga Apocynaceae Peru; South America north
XYLOS - 090 Berberis chitria Chutro / Kelpa / Kerpaak Berberidaceae Pakistan; Nepal; Bhutan; + / Scotland
XYLOS - 091 Berberis verruculosa Warty Barberry Berberidaceae China west / Netherlands
XYLOS - 092 Diospyros insularis New Guinea Striped Ebony Ebenaceae New Guinea
XYLOS - 093 Flindersia australis Crow's Ash Rutaceae Australia east
XYLOS - 094 Hibiscus syriacus Rose of Sharon / Shrub Althea Malvaceae China; India / Netherlands
XYLOS - 095 Juniperus procera African Pencil Cedar Cupressaceae Tropical East-Africa
XYLOS - 096 Mahonia japonica syn: Berberis jap. Japanese Mahonia Berberidaceae Taiwan; China east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 097 Poncirus trifoliata Trifoliate Orange / Poncirus Rutaceae Japan; China north + central / Netherlands
XYLOS - 098 Zelkova x verschaffeltii Cut-leaf Zelkova Ulmaceae - / Netherlands
XYLOS - 099 Arundo donax Giant-reed / Giant Cane Poaceae Crete <=> Asia central & tropical; China; +
XYLOS - 100 Aspidosperma polyneuron Peroba Rosa / Pink Peroba Apocynaceae Brasil; Colombia; Peru; Argentina; Paraquay
XYLOS - 101 Athrotaxis x laxifolia Summit Athrotaxis Cupressaceae Tasmania / Netherlands
XYLOS - 102 Berberis cretica Cretan Barberry - ponded Berberidaceae Crete Omalos plains; +
XYLOS - 102 A Berberis cretica Cretan Barberry - not ponded Berberidaceae Crete Omalos plains; +
XYLOS - 103 Bobgunnia fistuloides Pau Rosa Fabaceae (P) Tropical Africa central + west
XYLOS - 104 Cephalotaxus harringtonia v. drupacea Inugaya / Japanese Plum-yew Cephalotaxaceae Japan; Korea / Netherlands
XYLOS - 105 Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsura Tree / Lian-xiang-shu Cercidiphyllaceae Japan; China; Russia east; + / Netherlands
XYLOS - 105 F Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsura / Lian-xiang-shu Cercidiphyllaceae China <=> Japan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 106 Clematis vitalba Traveler's Joy / Old Man's Beard Ranunculaceae Europe; Asia west; + / Germany
XYLOS - 107 Entada phaseoloides St. Thomas Bean / Elva-climber Fabaceae (M) China; Asia south-east; Philippines; +
XYLOS - 108 Euonymus planipes Sakhalin Euonymus Celastraceae Russia far-east; Japan; Korea / Netherlands
XYLOS - 109 Fagus grandifolia subsp. mexicana Mexican Beech / Haya Mexicana Fagaceae Mexico north-east & central / Netherlands
XYLOS - 110 Forsythia x intermedia Forsythia Oleaceae 1878 Germany Göttingen / Netherlands
XYLOS - 111 Ligustrum vulgare Common Privet Oleaceae Europe; Asia south-west; + / Netherlands
XYLOS - 112 Lonicera cf. acuminata Dan-hong-ren-dong Caprifoliaceae China; Nepal <=> Malaysia; + / Netherlands
XYLOS - 113 Medicago arborea Tree Medick / Shrub Medick Fabaceae (P) Europe south; Turkey / Crete
XYLOS - 114 Nerium oleander Oleander Apocynaceae Mediterranea <=> China south / Crete
XYLOS - 115 Pericopsis elata Afrormosia / Obang / Moholé Fabaceae (P) Tropical Africa central + west
XYLOS - 116 Pistacia lentiscus Mastíkha / Chios Mastic Tree Anacardiaceae Mediterranea; Asia south-west / Crete
XYLOS - 117 Quercus mongolica subsp. crispula Japanese Oak / Shirakashi Fagaceae Japan north; China; Korea; Russia east
XYLOS - 118 Ricinus communis Castor-bean Euphorbiaceae Mediterranea south-east <=> India; + / Crete
XYLOS - 119 Santalum paniculatum Iliahi / Mountain Sandalwood Santalaceae Hawaii Big Island
XYLOS - 120 Swietenia mahagoni Surinamese Mahogany Meliaceae Cuba; San Domingo; + / Suriname
XYLOS - 121 Zygia racemosa Angelim Rajado / Marblewood Fabaceae (M) Brasil; Suriname
XYLOS - 122 Acer sempervirens Kritikó Sfentámi / Cretan Maple Sapindaceae Crete; Greece islands; Turkey
XYLOS - 123 Anagyris foetida Azogeros / Bromoklado / Bromoligaria Fabaceae (P) Crete; Mediterranea; Iran; +
XYLOS - 124 Androstachys johnsonii Mecrusse / Lebombo Ironwood Picrodendraceae Zimbabe; Mozambique; Madagascar; +
XYLOS - 125 Arbutus andrachne Agriokoumaria / Greek Strawberry Tree Ericaceae Crete; Mediterranea east <=> Crimea
XYLOS - 126 Baphia kirkii cf. subsp. ovata Mkuruti / Camwood Fabaceae (P) Mozambique south
XYLOS - 127 Juniperus phoenicea Thamnokypárisso / Phoenicean Juniper Cupressaceae Crete; Mediterranea; +
XYLOS - 128 Koeberlinia spinosa Spiny Allthorn / Crucifixion Bush / Junco Koeberliniaceae USA south; Mexico north
XYLOS - 129 Ligustrum lucidum Chinese Privet / Nu-zhen Oleaceae China south / Crete
XYLOS - 130 Platanus orientalis Plátanos o Anatolikós / Oriëntal Plane Platanaceae Crete; Europe south-east <-> India
XYLOS - 131 Pyrus spinosa Pýros o Akanthódis / Almond-leaved Pear Rosaceae Crete; Europe south-east; Asia west
XYLOS - 132 Quercus dalechampii Quercia di Dalechamps Fagaceae Greece north; Balkan; Italy; +
XYLOS - 133 Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis Drys i Makrolépios / Vallonea Oak Fagaceae Crete; Balkans; Mediterranea south + east; Morocco
XYLOS - 133 M Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis Drys i Makrolépios / Vallonea Oak Fagaceae Crete; Balkans; Mediterranea south + east; Morocco
XYLOS - 134 Quercus pubescens Velanidiá i Chnoódis / Downy Oak Fagaceae Greece north; Europe south <=> Black Sea
XYLOS - 135 Senecio angulatus Creeping Groundsel / Cape Ivy Asteraceae South Africa / Crete Akrotiri
XYLOS - 136 Xanthostemon cf. brassii Kasi-kasi / Kalaudju Tandru Myrtaceae New Guinea; Australia north
XYLOS - 137 Xanthostemon petiolatus Lara / Nani / Kajoe Besi Myrtaceae Indonesia Sulawesi <=> Papua New Guinea
XYLOS - 138 Abies nordmanniana Caucasian Fir / Pikhta Kavkazkaya Pinaceae Turkey; Caucasus Mts. / Netherlands
XYLOS - 139 Acer cappadocicum Cappadocian Maple / Qing-pi-feng Sapindaceae Turkey <=> China Yunnan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 140 Acer opalus Italian Maple / Acero di Monte Sapindaceae Europe south-central <=> Caucasus / Neth.
XYLOS - 141 Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa Kiwi Fruit / Zhong-hua-mi-hou-tao Actinidiaceae China south-east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 142 Agave americana Century Plant / Maguey / Henequen Asparagaceae USA south <=> Mexico / Greece Kos Island
XYLOS - 143 Alangium platanifolium Alangium / Guā-mù / Urinoki Cornaceae China central + east; Japan; Korea; + / Neth.
XYLOS - 144 Allocasuarina monilifera Necklace She-oak Casuarinaceae Tasmania / Scotland
XYLOS - 145 Alnus cordata Italian Alder / Ontano Napoletano Betulaceae Italy / Netherlands
XYLOS - 146 Amelanchier x lamarckii Juneberry Rosaceae USA north-east; Canada south-east / Neth.
XYLOS - 147 Annona glabra Pond-apple / Alligator-apple / Monkey-apple Annonaceae Trop. America; Trop. West Africa / Neth.
XYLOS - 148 N Aralia elata Japanese Angelica Tree / Cong-mù Araliaceae Asia east <=> Japan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 149 Araucaria cunninghamii Hoop-pine Araucariaceae New Guinea; Australia east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 150 Aronia x prunifolia Purple Chokeberry Rosaceae North America east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 151 Aspidosperma pyrifolium Pereiro / Araracanga Apocynaceae Bolivia
XYLOS - 152 Beaucarnea recurvata Pony-tail Palm Asparagaceae Mexico / Netherlands
XYLOS - 153 Betula grossa Japanese Cherry Birch / Azusa / Yogusominebari Betulaceae Japan central + south / Netherlands
XYLOS - 154 Brosimum guianense Snakewood / Tikobushi Moraceae Suriname <=> Mexico south; Trop. America
XYLOS - 155 Brugmansia arborea Angels's Trumpet / Floripondio Solanaceae Ecuador <=> Chile north / Greece Kos Isl.
XYLOS - 156 N Calicotome villosa Aspalathos / Spalachtri / Spiny Broom Fabaceae (P) Crete; Mediterranea
XYLOS - 157 Capparis tomentosa Woolly Caper Bush Capparaceae Arabian Peninsula <=> South Africa / Neth.
XYLOS - 158 Carpinus betulus European Hornbeam Betulaceae Europe <=> Iran / Netherlands
XYLOS - 159 Gereserveerd XYLOS Nr. toegekend maar nog niet als monster uitgegeven
XYLOS - 160 Gereserveerd XYLOS Nr. toegekend maar nog niet als monster uitgegeven
XYLOS - 161 Celtis africana White Stinkwood / Camdeboo Stinkwood Cannabaceae South Africa <=> Arabian Peninsula
XYLOS - 162 Celtis glabrata Melikoukiá / Caucasian Hackberry Cannabaceae Balkan <=> North Caucasus; + / Belgium
XYLOS - 163 Cercidyphyllum magnificum Large-leaf Katsura / Hiroha Katsura Cercidiphyllaceae Japan Honshu / Scotland
XYLOS - 164 Chimonanthus praecox Wintersweet / La-mei Calycanthaceae China south-east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 165 Chlorocardium rodiei Demerara Greenheart Lauraceae Suriname; Guyana
XYLOS - 166 Cladrastis kentukea Kentucky Yellowwood - from underground root Fabaceae (P) USA east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 167 Coccoloba pubescens Grand-leaf Sea-grape / Eve's Umbrella Polygonaceae Haïti <=> Windward Islands / Scotland
XYLOS - 168 Coffea liberica Liberica Coffee Tree Rubiaceae Tropical Africa / Netherlands
XYLOS - 169 Cotinus coggygria Eurasian Smoketree / Smoke Bush Anacardiaceae Europe south <=> China south / Netherlands
XYLOS - 170 Crataegus chungtienensis Zhōng-diān-shānzhā Rosaceae China south-central / Scotland
XYLOS - 171 Crataegus germanica Medlar / Mispel - Syn: Mespilus germanica Rosaceae Europe central / Netherlands
XYLOS - 172 Cupressus cashmeriana Kashmir Cypres / Bhootaan Saro Cupressaceae India north-east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 173 Daphne gnidioides Dafnoúla i Nknidioeidís Thymelaeaceae Crete; Italy south <=> Turkey south
XYLOS - 174 Dryobalanops lanceolata Sabah Kapur / Kapur-daram / Kapur-tanduk Dipterocarpaceae Sarawak; Borneo north + east
XYLOS - 175 Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian Olive / Russkaya Oliva / Sha-zao Elaeagnaceae Nova Zembla <=> China <=> Turkey / Neth. Dordrecht
XYLOS - 176 Elaeagnus pungens Spiny Oleaster / Hu-tui-zi / Tawaragumi Elaeagnaceae China east; Korea; Japan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 177 Eschweilera pedicellata Manbarklak Lecytidaceae Suriname; South America north + central
XYLOS - 178 Eucalyptus gunnii Cider Gum / Cider Eucalyptus / Gunni Eucalyptus Myrtaceae Tasmania; + / Netherlands
XYLOS - 179 Euphorbia dendroides Galatsida / Tree Spurge Euphorbiaceae Crete; Mediterranea
XYLOS - 180 Ficus carica Common Fig / Sykiá Moraceae Greece <=> China west / Netherlands
XYLOS - 181 Ficus elastica Indian Rubber Tree / Rabar Vrksh / Yin-du-rong Moraceae Asia south-east / France
XYLOS - 182 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash / Water Ash / Red Ash Oleaceae North America central + east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 183 Gleditsia aquatica Swamp Locust Fabaceae (C) New York <=> Mexico north-east / Neth.
XYLOS - 184 Halesia carolina Carolina Silverbell Styracaceae USA east-central & south-east / Belgium
XYLOS - 185 N Hemiptelea davidii Thorned-elm / Ci-yu Ulmaceae China east; Korea / Netherlands
XYLOS - 186 Heptapleurum arboricola Dwarf Umbrella Tree / Hayata - syn: Schefflera arboricola Araliaceae Hainan; Taiwan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 187 Hoheria sexstylosa Graceful Lacebark / Houhere Ongaonga Malvaceae New Zealand / Scotland
XYLOS - 188 N Hymenopus macrophyllus Sponsoe-oedoe - Syn: Licania macrophylla; Chrysobalanaceae Suriname; South America north
XYLOS - 189 Ilex aquifolium Common Holly Aquifoliaceae Europe west + south; + / Netherlands
XYLOS - 190 Juglans mandshurica var. sachalinensis Japanese Walnut / Oni-gurumi Juglandaceae Russia Sakhalin <=> Japan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 191 Juniperus pingii Chui-zhi-xiang-bai / Ping's Juniper Cupressaceae China; Tibet mts. 2600-4900 m.
XYLOS - 191 A Juniperus pingii Chui-zhi-xiang-bai / Ping's Juniper - burl Cupressaceae China; Tibet mts. 2600-4900 m.
XYLOS - 192 Juniperus sabina 'Fastigiata' Savin Juniper - cv. 'Fastigiata' Cupressaceae Europe south-central <=> Asia east / Neth.
XYLOS - 193 Juniperus virginiana Shansha / Hante / Eastern Red Cedar Cupressaceae North America central + east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 194 Koompassia malaccensis Tualang / Kempas Fabaceae (C) Borneo; Malaysia; Thailand
XYLOS - 194 P Koompassia malaccensis Tualang / Kempas - ingrown phloem Fabaceae (C) Borneo; Malaysia; Thailand
XYLOS - 195 Laburnum anagyroides Common Laburnum Fabaceae (P) Europe central + south-east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 196 Lagarostrobos franklinii Huon-pine Podocarpaceae Tasmania south-west + south
XYLOS - 197 Laurus azorica Azores Laurel / Louro Lauraceae Azores / Netherlands
XYLOS - 198 Laurus nobilis Bayleaf Tree / Louro Lauraceae Mediterranea / Netherlands
XYLOS - 199 Maclura pomifera Osage-orange Moraceae USA south-central / Netherlands
XYLOS - 200 Macrozamia moorei Carnarvon Gorge Macrozamia / Moore's Cycad Zamiaceae Queensland central => Netherlands
XYLOS - 201 Malus domestica Apple / Alma Ağaşı / Xin-jiang-ye-ping-guo Rosaceae Kazachstan; Asia south-central / Netherlands
XYLOS - 202 Malus domestica 'Goudreinet' Apple / Alma Ağaşı - cv. 'Goudreinet' Rosaceae Kazachstan; Asia south-central / Netherlands
XYLOS - 203 Metrosideros robusta Northern Rata / Giant Rata Myrtaceae New Zealand North Island; + / Scotland
XYLOS - 204 Morinda citrifolia Indian Mulberry / Noni / Tibah / Mangkadu Rubiaceae India; Asia south-east <=> Australia / Neth.
XYLOS - 205 Morus alba Mulberry / Pongnamu Moraceae China north-central; south-central / Neth.
XYLOS - 206 Opuntia ficus-indica Fig Opuntia / Prickly-pear / Nopal Cactaceae Mexico / Crete
XYLOS - 207 Osmanthus heterophyllus Holly-olive / Zhōngshù / Hiragi Oleaceae Japan central + south; Taiwan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 208 Parrotia persica Persian Ironwood Hamamelidaceae Iran; Transcaucasus / Netherlands
XYLOS - 209 Philadelphus x hybrid Mock-orange Hydrangeaceae -o- / Netherlands
XYLOS - 210 Picea omorika Serbian Spruce / Omorika Srpska / Pančić Spruce Pinaceae Serbia west Drina River Valley / Netherlands
XYLOS - 211 Pinus flexilis Limber Pine / Rocky Mts. White Pine Pinaceae North America west Mts. / Netherlands
XYLOS - 212 Pinus parviflora Japanese White Pine / Todohada-goyo Pinaceae Japan; Korea / Netherlands
XYLOS - 213 Prunus avium Wild Cherry / Sweet Cherry / Boskriek Rosaceae Europe <=> Afghanistan; Africa north-west
XYLOS - 214 Prunus cerasus Sour Cherry / T’t’u Bal / Sovorakan Bal Rosaceae Caucasus / Crete
XYLOS - 215 Prunus x subhirtella 'Autumnalis' Rosebud Cherry / Higan Cherry - cv. 'Autumnalis' Rosaceae Japan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 216 Pterocarpus soyauxii African Padauk / Mbel / Kisese / Mukula / M'Kula Fabaceae (P) Tropical West Africa
XYLOS - 217 Pterostyrax hispidus Epaulette Tree Styracaceae Japan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 218 Quercus castaneifolia Chestnut-leaf Oak / Kaghni Shaganakaterev Fagaceae Caucasus Mts; Iran / Netherlands
XYLOS - 219 Quercus dentata Daimyo Oak / Hu-shu / Kashiwa Fagaceae China east; Korea; Japan; Taiwan / Neth.
XYLOS - 220 Quercus frainetto Hungarian Oak / Magyar Tölgy Fagaceae Europe south-central <=> Turkey / Neth.
XYLOS - 221 Quercus ilex Holly Oak / Leccio / Velanidi / Yeuse Fagaceae Frans; Spain <=> Turkey / Netherlands
XYLOS - 222 Quercus imbricaria Shingle Oak / Laurel Oak Fagaceae USA central + east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 223 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Fagaceae USA north-east <=> Texas / Netherlands
XYLOS - 224 Quercus phillyreoides Black Ridge Oak / Wu-gang-li Fagaceae China south; Japan south / Netherlands
XYLOS - 225 Quercus serrata Jolcham Oak / Pinyin / Konara Fagaceae Bangladesh <=> Japan; Korea / Scotland
XYLOS - 226 N Quercus x heterophylla Bartram Oak Fagaceae USA east & south / Netherlands
XYLOS - 227 Rhamnus oleoides Rhámnos / Mediterranean Buckthorn Rhamnaceae Crete; Mediterranea excl. Italy; Saudi Arabia
XYLOS - 228 Rhododendron ririei Chinese Rhododendron / Da-zhong-du-juan Ericaceae China south-central / Netherlands
XYLOS - 229 Salix babylonica f. tortuosa Corkscrew Willow / Qū-zhī-chuíliǔ / Han-liǔ Salicaceae China north + east arid areas / Netherlands
XYLOS - 230 Schinus polygama Hardee Peppertree / Chilean Pepper Tree / Huingán Anacardiaceae Peru; Bolivia <=> Chile south / Scotland
XYLOS - 231 Senna surattensis Scrambled Egg Tree / Kolomona / Gelenggang Fabaceae (C) India <=> Myanmar / Netherlands
XYLOS - 232 Sinowilsonia henryi Sinowilsonia / Shan-bai-shu-shu Hamamelidaceae China central + west / Netherlands
XYLOS - 233 Sterculia apetala Panama Tree / Manduvi Malvaceae Mexico <=> Peru; Brazil / Netherlands
XYLOS - 234 A Swietenia macrophylla Honduras Mahogany / Caoba / Big-leaf Mahogany Meliaceae Mexico <=> South America north / Neth.
XYLOS - 234 B Swietenia macrophylla Honduras Mahogany / Caoba / Big-leaf Mahogany Meliaceae Dom. Republic; Mexico <=> South America
XYLOS - 235 Syzygium jambos Rose-apple / Malabar-plum / Manzana Rosa Myrtaceae Himalaya <=> Yunnan s; Malesia w. / Neth.
XYLOS - 236 Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Windmill Bush / Banana Bush Apocynaceae China south <=> Australia east; + / Neth.
XYLOS - 237 N Tetradium daniellii Hupeh Stinking-ash / Chou-tan-wu-yu Rutaceae China south + east; Mongolia / Netherlands
XYLOS - 238 Tetracentron sinense Tetracentron / Shiu-qing-shu Trochodendraceae Nepal east <=> China central + south / Neth.
XYLOS - 239 N Theobroma cacao Cocoa Tree / Cacahuatl / Kakaw / Kagaw Malvaceae Mexico <=> Brazil / Netherlands
XYLOS - 240 Tilia platyphyllos 'Rubra' Large-leaved Lime - cv. 'Rubra' Malvaceae Europe <=> Iran / Scotland
XYLOS - 241 Trachycarpus fortunei Chinese Windmill Palm / Chusan Palm / Zong-lu Arecaceae China south-central; Myanmar north / France
XYLOS - 242 Ulex europaeus Common Gorse Fabaceae (P) Europe west + south-west; Algeria / France
XYLOS - 243 N Vachellia farnesiana Sweet Acacia / Huisache / Vinhático-de-Espinho Fabaceae (M) USA south <=> Brasil south / Crete
XYLOS - 244 Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Dawn’ Viburnum - cv. 'Dawn' (hybrid) Viburnaceae -o- / Netherlands
XYLOS - 245 N Vitex agnus-castus Chaste Tree / Monk's Pepper / Ligariá Lamiaceae Mediterranea <=> Pakistan / Netherlands
XYLOS - 246 Vochysia guianensis / Vochysia sp. Rode Kwarie / Quaruba Vochysiaceae Suriname; South America north
XYLOS - 247 Wisteria sinensis Chinese Wisteria / Zi-teng Fabaceae (P) China south-central + east / Netherlands
XYLOS - 248 Zelkova sinica Dà-guǒ-jǔ / "Large Fruit-beech" Ulmaceae China central + south-east / Scotland
XYLOS - 249 Prunus lusitanica Portugese Laurierkers / Azereiro / Gingeira-brava Rosaceae Europe south-west; Canary Islands; Morocco / Netherlands
XYLOS - 250 A Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir Pinaceae North America north-west / Netherlands
1 reactie
Dieter Becker · 6 maart 2023 op 17:29
es ist schön, dass XYLOS Muster angeboten werden; nur müsste bei einer Bestellung aus mal etwas geliefert werden